15 Java Interview Questions You Need to Learn Now!
15 Java Interview Questions You Need to Learn Now! Foreword: Java is surely the most versatile programming language and is ruling the tech industry with its easily compilable feature. It is simple to use, object-oriented, as well as extremely time-saving. You don’t even need to worry about its flexibility and stability. As a Java developer, you get a wide variety of options to work with it. Hence, if you’re planning to grow your career as a Java programmer, you need to learn these interview questions that can help you get your dream job, or to say the least, improve your knowledge for a better opportunity. Java Interview Questions that are asked when you’re a Fresher 1. Explain Java is a platform-independent language. The composition of Java is made in such a way, that it doesn’t require any hardware or software to make it run. The fact that compilers can compile it into a platform-independent byte code, it becomes easier to make it work on multiple systems. 2. What is...